
Humans4help : delivering intelligent automation solution to offer key insights from data

Humans4help : delivering intelligent automation solution to offer key insights from data

Fortune 200 companies lose US$237 billion annually due to the inability to find and eliminate inefficiencies in their processes. Inspired by this, Humans4help's mission is to improve processes to combat these inefficiencies in business outcomes. The company believes in delivering more with less.

Humans4help specializes in Data Automation through two practices: Data and Machine Learning (ML) and Robotics Process Automation (RPA). The company helps companies leverage their internal gold mine, their DATA, to discover, structure, cleanse and index their data as a key.

Today, only 20% of structured data is used in the system and over 80% of enterprise data is locked up in documents. The unlocked value for a company is to use this data to better anticipate and predict what the next action would be to keep them above the crowd. Because companies that reduce risk can simplify compliance and improve efficiency through automation.

That's why Humans4help was created. With the company's scalable artificial intelligence (AI)-based data enrichment platform called Digidoc, users can easily transform unstructured data from thousands (or millions) of documents into structured data suitable for process automation, information systems and compliance requirements.

Humans4help was created to democratize the use of intelligent automation by facilitating technology to business and not the other way around. The company enables process optimization through automation and intelligent document capture platform to constantly transform unstructured data into more structured data that can bring value to the business and gain efficiency.

Humans4help was founded in 2017 with a clear vision that technology should serve the business. Since its inception, the company has grown from 2 people to over 70 talented individuals sharing a common passion for data and the power of data for business results.

Exceptional leadership

Lila Benhammou is the founder of Humans4help. She founded the company with a key focus on delivering excellence to customers in intelligent platform automation. She believes in one thought: « You can't change what you can't measure.»

According to Lila, the first step for Humans4help is to understand for a client what is not working in the processes and how to simplify the steps to make the processes more efficient. It is always linked to business results.

Humans4help's clients come from different areas of the business, from support companies to front-end companies like customer service, sales or marketing, supply chain and production lines. She said, « Nine times out of ten, we had inefficiencies that are identified in the process and we started our work from there.»

Many enterprise customers don't know what's not working internally. Instead of getting what's not working from the business owner, Humans4help got it directly by connecting its platform to the customer system and analyzing the data.

The company is fact-driven, which gives it immediate results on what's not working on the customer side, and gets an immediate return on investment not only in terms of costs, but also in process simplification and intelligent automation.

A customer-centric approach to innovation

Humans4help merges all technologies including AI, intelligent automation, RPA, machine learning, NLP, chatbots towards customer needs and improving customer experience, integrating them into the customer management process.

Before implementing its intelligent automation strategy in the customer management process, the company analyzes how the customer uses the workflow. Often, this would involve time-consuming processes where managers have assigned staff members to whom to pass certain customers.

Humans4help reverses this trend by automating the end-to-end process of receiving internal requests from the customer side. The automation process - which consists of a mix of AI and robotic process automation (RPA) - that takes place after this request analyzes the staff member's skills and assigns the best-suited customer.

Humans4help « as-a-service» offering allows companies to use the best of technology and not be locked in with RPA providers, but to benefit from the best of technology at any time according to their process needs.

Customer service, complaint management, and churn prevention are the next priorities post-COVID 19, and the processes behind them need to be reworked and redesigned from scratch. Lila says « Nothing that was true yesterday will be true tomorrow. New ways of working remotely.»

So what should a company do?

According to Lila, they need to rethink their processes from the top down and be agile so they don't get left behind - digital transformation or death is the new rule.

And this is where chatbots are important to get a true customer experience and facilitate the user experience. RPA would handle the manual tasks of customers behind the chatbot and AI will help agents to be more focused and spend quality time with their customers.. Since understanding whether a customer is about to leave is key for banks and insurance companies, with AI, Humans4help makes the «data speak» for business outcomes.

Provide robust AI solutions

Humans4help specializes in data automation, providing a powerful applied AI solution for intelligent document processing to optimize and automate processes. The company infers valuable information from images, tables, graphs, pdf's and helps customers structure their data according to their business needs.

Transforming data with disruptive technologies

Disruptive technologies such as AI, machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), RPA and chatbots are impacting the customer experience in such a way that DATA should serve as the next actionable decision for all businesses, says Lila. According to her, transforming their unstructured data (80% of their data) into structured data (only 20%) is key to reaping the benefits for their businesses.

Invaluable achievements in all sectors

Humans4help has received numerous recognitions from its RPA partners as a preferred key partner for RPA as well as from its customers with the company's 10-30-40% strategy that uses 10 days to audit all customer processes to find inefficiencies in the processes - thanks to Process and Task Extraction Technology

For one client, the company took 30 days to implement the process with at least a 40% return on investment.

With the agility of Humans4help's offering and its AI-powered platform in the document process, the company is able to achieve the virtuous circle of identifying process inefficiencies, evaluating automation tasks, and achieving a faster return on investment.

Humans4help addresses many customers in manufacturing, banking, insurance and retail with key use cases common to all these sectors. In banking or insurance, the weak points are in customer support and Know Your Customer (KYC) processes where 70-80% of the mundane KYC tasks could be automated.

Envisioning a data-driven future

Lila envisions the future of Humans4help as being a benchmark in intelligent data process automation by helping AI/ML/RPA to be used by any business, regardless of size; understand and classify data; and most importantly find a specific piece of data in a pile of messy documents that is common to any business.


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